
Mostly notes from the series on youtube

  • Can create workspaces for each collection of notes, :Neorg index to switch to a file :Neorg return should close all buffers
  • Alt+Enter continues the list you’re currently on, but I had to add the following to my wezterm config to disable the conflicting keybind:
-- disable the alt+enter keybind to make fullscreen
{key = "Enter", mods = "ALT", action = "DisableDefaultAssignment"}
  • To fold headings/text underneath, can use the default binding: za

  • :Neorg toggle-concealer will disable the fancy neorg symbols

  • Links

    • work between files in a tree, using syntax like {:filename:}
    • link to other headings, like {** someheading}. These are case and whitespace insensitive. You can be specific, and link to that heading depth (2, **), or just use the magic char #, like {# someheading}, which means you dont have to update if you ever changed the depth
    • instead of just displaying these as clickable (using enter) hyperlinks, you can use the syntax like {** link}[description]
    • Anchors: These are sort of like links, but they work file-wide, meaning if you have one heading you want to jump to constantly, you can define it once in a declaration, and then use it over and over. They swap the order like: [jump to TOC]{* table of contents}. Then further down, you can just use the definition: [jump to TOC], without the location. Order for these does not matter, definition can come before or after declaration
    • You can link to file heading by just composing the two: {:filename: # someheading}
  • Todos work by adding something like ( ):

    • States (copied from :help neorg, scroll down to tasks)
      • ( ) - Undone -> not done yet
      • (x) - Done -> done
      • (?) - Needs further input
      • (!) - Urgent -> high priority task
      • (+) - Recurring task with children
      • (-) - Pending -> currently in progress
      • (=) - Task put on hold
      • (_) - Task cancelled (put down)
    • If I set a <LocalLeader> (I set mine to ,), then which-key will pick up bindings for all of these using ,t in normal mode
  • promo lets you promote/demote items, using the default indent keys, like >> and <<. If something is not indented correctly can use the default == keybind to fix. If you dont want to use recursively, can use >. or <,. In insert mode, can use Ctrl+T and Ctrl+D (default bindings to increase/decrease headings which neorg overrides)

  • :Neorg mode can be used to swap to different browsing modes, like traverse-heading or traverse-link. This overrides j/k to jump between items. These can also be toggled with the local leader keybind (so, ,m for me)

  • :Neorg toc opens a basic table of contents to each item. :Neorg toc qflist sends it to the quickfix list

  • Codeblocks:

@code lua
print("Hello World!")

Can assign metadata like:

title: Important File
description: Something here
authors: [

Or just use :Neorg inject-metadata which means it just autoupdates whenever you change things

More info here

Once you enable the core.summary module in your config, you should be able to run :Neorg generate-workspace-summary which just creates the TOC for workspace. It does this by category, so you can either fill those out or just set the strategy in your config to by_path like ["core.summary"] = {config = {strategy = "by_path"}},, so it generates a tree-like structure.

  • Journal creates a file structure for each day, running :Neorg journal just opens todays notes, otherwise you can specify a day like:
  • :Neorg journal yesterday
  • :Neorg journal custom 2024-03-20