CSS/JS Frameworks

  • CSS Frameworks
  • JavaScript
    • Bundling:
      • babel - transcompile JS to older version of JS. (ES6 -> back)
      • webpack - bundler
      • parcel - faster, webpack alternative (less supported though)
    • Frameworks
      • React (Largest community support, which is nice)
        • Next.js - React based, (can handle frontend/backend). Isn’t as mature, but nice for basic routing on SSGs.
        • Tools:
      • Svelte - compiled from its own JSX-like language, handles basic state for animation/interactivity nicely without complex state management
      • jQuery - mainly for animation/basic requests, but fetch/CSS3 could probably replace this
      • Vue.js - feel like the compile step doesn’t do as much as it should, would rather use Svelte